Did you know that any fixed ladder more than 24 feet is required by OSHA to have a personal fall arrest systems (PFAS) that fastens to the ladder or structure itself and landing platforms every 30 feet?

Did you know that any fixed ladder more than 24 feet is required by OSHA to have a personal fall arrest systems (PFAS) that fastens to the ladder or structure itself and landing platforms every 30 feet?
If a fixed ladder, cage, or well is replaced after that date, a ladder safety system or PFAS must be installed to remain compliant.
Tether Track requires less fall clearance than wire rope systems, making it ideal for low-headroom applications where overhead fall protection is still required.
Tether Track covers greater distances between supports, thus requiring less material to cover the same overall area.
Unlike wire rope systems, multiple workers are not impacted by each other’s movements.
Tether Track’s rigid fall protection anchor point eliminates the need to modify building structures.
“Falls are among the most common causes of serious work-related injuries and deaths. Employers must set up the workplace to prevent employees from falling off of overhead platforms, elevated work stations or into holes in the floor and walls.” – OSHA